Records made by Coleen Mannheimer

Records: 35

The following is a list of the records made by Coleen Mannheimer in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
80226Aeschynomene cristata var. cristata C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer Seasonally inundated plainRoad to Kalizo/Zembezi Mubala Lodge Caprivi0Namibia1724D1940

80225Andropogon gayanus C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer Sandy plain with calcrete inclusionsMain road between Tsumeb and Otjiwarongo0Namibia1917B31432

80227Antidesma venosum C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer Caprivi Strip0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)0

80228Antidesma venosum C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer RiverbankMahangu Safari Lodge0Namibia1821B11003

80220Basananthe heterophylla C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer Red sandy plainFarm NE of Witvlei0Namibia2218A41510

80221Basananthe heterophylla C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer Red sandy plainKaros camp, Etosha National Park0Namibia0

80222Bulbine capitata C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer Rocky koppieWindhoek townlands, along airport road0Namibia2217C11916

80229Chamaecrista falcinella var. parviflora C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer Red sandy plainOkonjima Lodge0Namibia2016D31638

95556Clematis brachiata25 May 1999C Mannheimer
ES Klaassen
S Austaller
BA Curtis
C Mannheimer 739 K Singh WIND
Caprivi: Campsite No.1, Mudumo National Park.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1823A20

Creeper; Notes: In dark grey sandy soil. Exposure: semi-shade. Uncommon. Flowers: in axillary and terminal sprays; petals 4, creamy-white, anthers numerous; very attractive, with lovely perfume. Leaves: compound, imparipinnate, serrate - crenate and lobed. Branches opposite.

80230Commelina diffusa subsp. scandens C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer Slow-moving side channel of riverNear Namushasha River Lodge0Namibia1723C4963

80231Dipcadi glaucum C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer Rocky slopeWindhoek townlands0Namibia2217C11707

95149Elaeodendron transvaalense29 May 1999C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer 754 WIND
Caprivi: Going NW along Kavango river from Divundu.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821A20

1500 cm high; Tree; Notes: Tree. Height: 1500 cm. Leaves: ovate lanceolate, glabrous, dark green, leathery, fascicled. Stems and bark: twigs opposite. Fruits and seed: in small axillary and terminal clusters. Hard green berries, ovate with pointed tip. Ovary does not seem to be inferior. Fulls un, occasional.

80232Entada arenaria subsp. arenaria C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer Sandy plainS of Katere, Kavango0Namibia1820B21063

95642Erythrococca menyharthii26 May 1999C Mannheimer
ES Klaassen
S Austaller
BA Curtis
ES Klaassen 179 S Austaller WIND
Caprivi: On road to Linyanti.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1823B30

Shrub; Notes: Exposure: full sun. Perennial. Uncommon. Height: 1 m. Leaves: opposite, olive green, very hairy, soft to touch, serrate. Stem greenish white, very pubescent. Fruit 3-locular, green. Other: loamy sandy soil. Along road verge.

94505Ficus pygmaea06 May 1995C Mannheimer
R Kubirske
MM Strohbach-Fricke
R Kubirske 225 WIND
Caprivi: Bukalo on way from Bukalo to Schuckmansburg, on outskirts of big vlei.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724D10

Notes: Growing in black/dark grey loamy soil together with Sesbania sp. and a creeping Cucurbitaceae. Up to 50 cm high shoots above soil surface, sprouting frequently, but localized. Single reddish fruit in axils.

76437Fockea angustifolia24 Apr 2009C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer Highland savannaWindhoek townlands0Namibia2217C11682

Leaves absent

76436Fockea multiflora22 Sep 2008C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer Tree and shrub savannaLake Otjikoto, Namibia0Namibia1917B11216

Robust twiner

76438Gomphocarpus tomentosus subsp. tomentosus24 Jan 2006C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer Highland savannaWindhoek townlands0Namibia2217C11786

Perennial subshrub growing in road verge.

76439Gomphocarpus tomentosus subsp. tomentosus20 Dec 2008C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer Highland savannaWindhoek townlands0Namibia2217C11786

Perennial subshrub growing in road verge.

95627Grewia falcistipula26 May 1999C Mannheimer
ES Klaassen
S Austaller
BA Curtis
ES Klaassen 180 S Austaller WIND
Caprivi: Along road verge on road to Linyanti.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1823B20

Shrub; Notes: Exposure: full sun. Perennial. Leaves: opposite, discolorous, alternate. Stem reddish brown. Other: loamy sandy soil.

77328Habenaria kilimanjari19 Feb 2015C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer 4850 B Bytebier WIND
In depression next to road.Along road D3507 between Lake Liambezi and Ngoma.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724D3 924

First record for Namibia.

94753Habenaria kilimanjari28 Feb 2015C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer 4850 B Bytebier WIND
Seasonally inundated depression, black clay. Occasional, very localised. Full sun and semi-shade.Caprivi: Depression next to road D3507 between Lake Laimbezi and Ngoma.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724D3 924

Geophyte growing between grasses, height 0.25-0.30 m. Corm elongate-cylindrical. Flowers mature, carried in terminal raceme, white, with long spur. Fruit not seen.

80233Heliotropium giessii C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer Sandy plainKaros camp, Etosha National Park0Namibia1914B11230

95647Hibiscus cannabinus25 May 1999C Mannheimer
ES Klaassen
S Austaller
BA Curtis
C Mannheimer 741 S Bartsch WIND
Caprivi: Mamili Game Reserve floodplain.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1823B30

170 cm high; Notes: Exposure: full sun. Annual. Localized. Flowers: quite small for Hibiscus, creamy yellow, 4 cm in diameter when open; centre dark purple. Calyx glandular. Epicalyx lobes appear to be 7. Leaves: 3-lobed. Other: erect, sturdy annual.

80234Indigofera inhambanensis C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer Sandy plainKavango, just north of last commercial fences, west of Mururani0Namibia1818D41200

94525Kosteletzkya buettneri06 May 1995C Mannheimer
R Kubirske
MM Strohbach-Fricke
R Kubirske 227 WIND
Caprivi: Bukalo on way from Bukalo to Schuckmansburg.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724D10

1 m high; Notes: 1 m High single-stemmed plants in high grasses, mainly Vetiveria species. Pure white flower with white recurved stigmas over yellow anthers. Single flowers on long petiole. Fruit capsule covered by yellow bristles.

80223Ludwigia leptocarpa C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer Slow-moving side channel of riverNear Namushasha River Lodge0Namibia1723C4963

93794Phyllanthus reticulatus var. reticulatus25 May 1999C Mannheimer
ES Klaassen
S Austaller
BA Curtis
ES Klaassen 175 HH Kolberg WIND
Caprivi: Namushasha turn-off, about 3 km before lodge.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C40

Shrub; Notes: Exposure: full sun. Perennial. Relatively common. Height: 2 m. Flowers: axillary buds. Leaves: alternate, soft, pubescent, whitish green. Stipules present. Stems and bark: brown, hairy. Other: sandy soil along road verge.

80236Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer Caprivi0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)0

94536Sesamum alatum06 May 1995C Mannheimer
R Kubirske
MM Strohbach-Fricke
C Mannheimer 130 WIND
Caprivi: Road between Bukalo and Schuckmansburg.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724D10

Notes: In sandy shallow depression next to seasonal pan.

94537Sesbania microphylla06 May 1995C Mannheimer
R Kubirske
MM Strohbach-Fricke
R Kubirske 132 WIND
Caprivi: Road between Bukalo and Schuckmansburg.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724D10

Notes: In dark grey clay on plain.

94039Strychnos potatorum28 May 1999C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer 750 C Mannheimer WIND
Caprivi: Katima Mulilo Golf Club.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C20

800 cm high; Tree; Notes: Perennial tree, 800 cm high. Leaves: 5-veined from just above base. Fruits and seed: fruit deep purple-black, ripe. Other: trees 8-10 m tall, all seed was collected from a single tree. Very attractive tree. Occasional.

95344Terminalia prunioides29 May 1999C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer 755 C Mannheimer WIND
Caprivi: Going north-west along Kavango river from Divundu.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821A20

1000 cm high; Tree; Notes: Occurrence: common. Leaves: obovate, tapering at base, rounded apex, fascicled on side - shoots, dark green. Young leaves a bit puberulous, even a bit ciliate at the margin. Fruits and seed: seeds winged, ripe, squarish in outline, red becoming brown.

95676Vangueria cyanescens26 May 1999C Mannheimer
ES Klaassen
S Austaller
BA Curtis
ES Klaassen 178 S Schubert WIND
Caprivi: Along road verge on road to Linyanti.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1823B30

Shrub; Notes: Loamy sand soil. Exposure: full sun. Shrub. Uncommon. Height: 1 m. Leaves: opposite, dark green, margin entire, interpetiolar stipules, petioles long. Stem dark grey. Fruit: green, in leaf axils, inferior ovary.

95654Vernonia glabra var. glabra26 May 1999C Mannheimer
ES Klaassen
S Austaller
BA Curtis
ES Klaassen 177 ES Klaassen WIND
Caprivi Strip: Road verge in the vicinity of Nkasa Island, Mamili National Park.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1823B30

Shrub; Notes: Perennial shrub. Height: 1 m. Occurrence: abundant. Flower: flowerheads purple, terminal clusters. Leaves: alternate, margin serrate, grey-green, hairy. Other: sandy soil along road verge. Exposure: full sun.


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Botswana: Records made by Coleen Mannheimer., retrieved 21 September 2024

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