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Kupicha, F.K. (1983) Oleaceae Flora Zambesiaca 7(1)
Trees, shrubs, climbers or suffrutices. Stipules 0. Leaves opposite, rarely whorled or alternate, simple or 1-pinnate. Domatia sometimes present. Inflorescence cymose or often paniculate. Flowers usually bisexual, less often unisexual. Calyx gamosepalous, lobes 4-many. Corolla gamopetalous, lobes 4-many. Stamens 2. Ovary superior, 2-locular. Style 1, usually with 2-lobed stigma. Fruit a berry, drupe, capsule or samara. Seeds sometimes winged. Worldwide: 24 genera and 600 species, more or less cosmopolitan. Botswana: 4 genera and 6 taxa. |
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Genus | Content |
Jasminum L. | Description |
Menodora Humb. & Bonpl. | Description |
Olea L. | Description |
Schrebera Roxb. | Description, Image |
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