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Lye, K. (1989) Aponogetonaceae Flora of Tropical East Africa
Martins, E.S. (2009) Aponogetonaceae Flora Zambesiaca 12(2)
Obermeyer, A.A. (1966) Aponogetonaceae Flora of Southern Africa 1
Aquatic herbs, arising from tubers. Leaves basal, alternate, simple, submerged, aerial or with a floating lamina. Spikes exserted, simple or forked, enveloped in bud by a hood-shaped spathe. Flowers bisexual or female, actinomorphic. Perianth segments 1-3, petaloid, white, pink, red, mauve or yellow. Stamens 6-16, free. Carpels 2-8, free, sessile; ovules 2-8. Fruit a follicle, opening on the adaxial side. Seeds fusiform, in some species with a spongy outer covering. Worldwide: 1 genus and 43 species, Old World tropics. Botswana: 1 genus and 4 taxa. |
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Aponogeton L.f. | Description |
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