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Stannard, B.L. (1997) Aristolochiaceae Flora Zambesiaca 9(2)
Herbs, climbers, rarely shrubs. Stipules 0 but stipule-like leaves may be present in the leaf axils. Leaves alternate, often palmately-veined, simple, entire or 3-5-lobed. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic or zygomorphic, solitary or arranged in racemes or cymes. Calyx petaloid, usually enlarged with a basal tube; apical limb 1-3-lobed. Petals 0. Stamens 6-10 or many. Ovary inferior, 3-6-locular. Style with 3-6 stigmas. Fruit usually a many-seeded capsule. Seeds sometimes winged. Worldwide: 12 genera and 450-500 species, mostly tropical and subtropical, but with some in warm temperate regions. Botswana: 1 genus and 1 taxon. |
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Aristolochia L. | Description |
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