Home | > | Literature | > | Kyalangalilwa, B., Boatwright, J.S., Daru, B.H., Maurin, O. & Van Der Bank, M. (2013) |
Author | Title | Journal/publisher | Literature ref. no. |
Kyalangalilwa, B., Boatwright, J.S., Daru, B.H., Maurin, O. & Van Der Bank, M. (2013) | Phylogenetic position and revised classification of Acacia s.l. in Africa including new combinations in Vachellia and Senegalia | Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 172 500-523 | 794 |
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Home | > | Literature | > | Kyalangalilwa, B., Boatwright, J.S., Daru, B.H., Maurin, O. & Van Der Bank, M. (2013) |