Datura metel L.
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Photo: Maureen Silva-Jones
5, Hervey Close, Belvedere, Harare
Photo: Maureen Silva-Jones
5, Hervey Close, Belvedere, Harare
Photo: Maureen Silva-Jones
5, Hervey Close, Belvedere, Harare
Photo: Maureen Silva-Jones
5, Hervey Close, Belvedere, Harare
Photo: Maureen Silva-Jones
5, Hervey Close, Belvedere, Harare
Photo: Maureen Silva-Jones
5, Hervey Close, Belvedere, Harare
Species details: Click on each item to see an explanation of that item (Note: opens a new window)
Datura alba Rumph. Datura fastuosa L.
Common names:
Horn-of-plenty (English)
Introduced |
Herb or shrub to 2 m, sometimes tinged purple or violet. Stems glabrous or sparsely pubescent, not viscid. Leaves petiolate; lamina 4-24 cm, ovate, entire to somewhat lobed; base often markedly asymmetric. Flowers solitary, rarely paid, erect at first, drooping later. Corolla 12-19 cm, showy, white, yellow, purple or violet, trumpet-shaped, single, double or even triple.
Fruit somewhat upright to nodding, irregularly breaking up when ripe, covered with stout conical spines or tubercles. Seeds whitish to brown. |
Derivation of specific name:
Flowering time: | |
Worldwide distribution:
Native to America. Cultivated for ornament or medicinal pirposes and widely naturalised in the tropics and subtropics. |
Botswana distribution:
N |
Growth form(s):
Endemic status:
Red data list status:
Insects associated with this species:
Spot characters:
Display spot characters for this species |
Gonçalves, A.E. (2005). Solanaceae Flora Zambesiaca 8(4) Pages 31 - 35. (Includes a picture).
Maroyi, A. (2006). Preliminary checklist of introduced and naturalized plants in Zimbabwe. Kirkia 18(2) Page 243.
Other sources of information about Datura metel:
Our websites:
Flora of Caprivi:
cultivated Datura metelFlora of Malawi:
Datura metelFlora of Mozambique:
Datura metelFlora of Mozambique:
cultivated Datura metelFlora of Zimbabwe:
cultivated Datura metelExternal websites:
African Plants: A Photo Guide (Senckenberg):
Datura metelAfrican Plant Database:
Datura metelBHL (Biodiversity Heritage Library):
Datura metelEOL (Encyclopedia of Life):
Datura metelGBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility):
Datura metelGoogle:
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Datura metelIPNI (International Plant Names Index):
Datura metelJSTOR Plant Science:
Datura metelMansfeld World Database of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops:
Datura metelPlants of the World Online:
Datura metelTropicos:
Datura metelWikipedia:
Datura metel
Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-24
Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M.
Flora of Botswana: Species information: Datura metel. https://www.botswanaflora.com/speciesdata/species.php?species_id=165470, retrieved 14 September 2024
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