Literature: | | |
Dyer, R.A. (1976) The Genera of southern African flowering plants. Vol. 2 (Monocotyledons). Department of Agricultural Technical Services, Pre | | |
Haigh, A. & Boyce, P. (2012) Araceae Flora Zambesiaca 12(1) | | |
Hepper, F.N. (1973) Lemnaceae Flora of Tropical East Africa | | |
Leistner, O.A. (ed.) (2000) Seed plants of southern Africa: families and genera Strelitzia 10 | | |
Mayo, S.J. (1985) Araceae Flora of Tropical East Africa | | |
| | |
Names | FZ Divisions |
| | |
748.000 ZANTEDESCHIA Spreng. | | |
Zantedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng. | |
| | |
791.000 PISTIA L. | | |
Pistia stratiotes L. | N |
| | |
794.000 SPIRODELA Schleid. | | |
Spirodela polyrrhiza (L.) Schleid. | N |
Lemna polyrrhiza L. | | |
| | |
795.000 LEMNA L. | | |
Lemna aequinoctialis Welw. | N,SE |
Lemna angolensis Hegelm. | | |
Lemna paucicostata Engelm. | | |
Lemna perpusilla Torr. | | |
Lemna minor L. | |
| | |
796.000 WOLFFIA Horkel ex Schleid. | | |
Wolffia arrhiza (L.) Wimm. | N |
Lemna arrhiza L. | | |
Wolffia michelii Schleid. | | |
| | |
796.010 WOLFFIELLA (Hegelm.) Hegelm. | | |
WOLFFIOPSIS Hartog & Plas | | |
Wolffiella hyalina (Delile) C.Monod. | |
Pseudowolffia hyalina (Delile) Hartog & Plas | | |
Wolffia repanda Hegelm. | | |
Wolffiella repanda (Hegelm.) C. Monod. [NrEnd] | N |
Wolffiella welwitschii (Hegelm.) C. Monod | N |
Wolffiopsis welwitschii (Hegelm.) Hartog & Plas | | |