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Fernandes, R. & A. (1978) Passifloraceae Flora Zambesiaca 4
Mainly herbs or climbers with tendrils, some shrubs and trees. Stipules present or 0. Conspicuous false stipules present in our species of Basananthe. Leaves alternate. Tendrils either axillary or at apex of flowering peduncle or 0. Flowers bisexual, unisexual or polygamous, actinomorphic. Calyx tube present. Petals present or 0. Corona usually present, ring-shaped, simple or double, tubular and often fimbriate at the apex. Stamens 5, rarely 6-10 or many. Ovary superior with 3-5(-6) carpels, 1-locular. Fruit a berry or a capsule. Worldwide: 17 genera and 575 species, tropical and warm temperate, especially America. Botswana: 3 genera and 9 taxa. |
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Genus | Content |
Adenia Forssk. | Description |
Basananthe Peyr. | Description |
Paropsia Noronha ex Thouars | Description |
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