Annual or perennial herbs. Leaves
alternate (in ours). Flowers resupinate (in ours), in
racemes or solitary in leaf axils, zygomorphic.
Bracteoles conspicuous, resembling small leaves. Calyx
5-lobed. Corolla 2-lipped (in ours), with upper lip 2-lobed,
lower 3-lobed. Stamens 5; anthers united into a tube;
all of them penicillate at the tip, the two lateral ones somewhat
longer than the others and with shorter hairs at tip. Ovary
inferior or ± so, 2-locular. Stigma lobes with a ring
of hairs present on the style below. Fruit a capsule dehiscing
by 2 apical valves or ± indehiscent. Derivation of name: mono- (Gr.) = single; -opsis = resembling; referring to the fact that the flowers of most species in this genus look the same. (Clarke, Charters & Moll-Ed., 225, 2016). Worldwide: 18 species in tropical and South Africa Botswana: 1 taxon. |