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Clayton, W.D. (1989) Poaceae Flora Zambesiaca 10(3)
Annuals or perennials. Leaves flat or folded, sometimes plicate. Ligule usually a ciliate rim. Inflorescence usually a panicle, either open or dense and spike-like; the spikelets subtended by 1 or more bristles which persist on the axis after the spikelets fall. Spikelets oblong to ovate, ± plano-convex, awnless; glumes unequal, the lower generally much smaller, ovate from a clasping base; lower floret male or barren, as long as the spikelet, herbaceous; upper lemma crustaceous, strongly convex on the back, often rugose. Derivation of name: from the Latin, seta, a bristle, referring to the persistent bristles subtending the spikelets Worldwide: c.150 species in tropical and warm zones Botswana: 9 taxa. Insects associated with this genus:
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
homonyma (Steud.) Chiov. | N | Description, Image |
incrassata (Hochst.) Hack. | N,SW,SE | Description, Image |
lindenbergiana (Nees) Stapf | SE | Description, Image |
longiseta P. Beauv. | Description | |
pseudaristata (Peter) Pilg. | N | Description |
pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult. | N,SW,SE | Description, Image |
sagittifolia (A. Rich.) Walp. | N,SE | Description, Image |
sphacelata (Schumach.) Moss | N,SE | Description, Image |
verticillata (L.) P. Beauv. | N,SW | Description, Image |
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