Conservation links

Countries and/or regions Link Comment
Zimbabwe Mukuvisi Woodlands One of our favourite and regular places in which we botanise near Harare is the Mukuvisi Woodlands.

This is a brand new website providing useful and practical information about the Woodlands. Further information is of course available on our own location page.
Zimbabwe Hillside Dams This is a website about a very worthwhile project to restore and develop the Hillside Dams area of Bulawayo.

It is an interesting area botanically as we found when we visited it in December 2007. We have also set up a location page for the area. At present there are relatively few records and more are needed.
Zimbabwe Zambezi Society The Zambezi Society is the only conservation group devoted solely to looking after the Zambezi, the finest and wildest river in Africa.
Zimbabwe Matobo Conservation Society The Matobo Conservation Society is committed to the conservation, appreciation and sustainable use of the natural and cultural resources within the Matobo Hills region. This is an active society which holds regular outings and meetings and produces a newsletter. Full details are available on the website.
Zimbabwe COSMO (Conservation Society of Monavale) COSMO (constituted in 2005) grew out of the Monavale Residents' Environmental Action Group (formed in 2001) which was intent upon preventing development and degradation on Monavale Vlei, an important wetland of outstanding natural beauty and enormous biodiversity.

COSMO acts as the Site Support Group, amongst other roles, for the Monavale Vlei Biodiversity Project - the result of the Management Workshop held in October 2006. This Project aims to protect the fauna and flora as well as restore the Vlei to its former state, as far as is possible, thus saving a remnant of a once intact system of seasonally flooded wetlands. Educating the public at large about the value of wetlands and natural areas is one of its objectives. The Project networks with stakeholders such as Bird Life Zimbabwe, Environment Africa, City of Harare, Ministry of Environment and Tourism's Environmental Management Agency, ZRP and surrounding communities.
Africa African Conservation Foundation The African Conservation Foundation is dedicated to supporting and linking African conservation initiatives, groups and NGOs, with the aim to strengthen their capacity, build partnerships and promote effective communication and co-ordination of conservation efforts.

There is much of interest on the site and I would recommend browsing through it.

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Botswana: Conservation links., retrieved 12 February 2025

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