Geographical links

Countries and/or regions Link Comment
Botswana, Caprivi Strip, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Flora Zambesiaca web site

Flora Zambesiaca is the primary flora of Zimbabwe, together with 4 other countries, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia. Work has been going on since the 1950s and a substantial part of the flora has been covered.

It is currently prepared under the editorship of Dr Miguel Garcia at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Without the primary taxonomic work being undertaken by this project, our website would have been extremely difficult to produce.

Although Flora Zambesiaca appears primarily in hard copy form, a website has been created which consists of a searchable database of species with additional information extracted from the currently published volumes.

Details of the volumes currently in print, together with details of other works on the flora of Africa, may be found on the Kew Books website.
Botswana Flora of Botswana One of the 5 sister sites to the Flora of Zimbabwe; this site was launched in August 2014.
Caprivi (Namibia) Flora of Caprivi
Malawi Flora of Malawi
Mozambique Flora of Mozambique
Zambia Flora of Zambia A further sister site to the Flora of Zimbabwe. This site is being compiled by Annette Willemen and Mike Bingham.
South Africa South Africa National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) This is the main page for SANBI from which there are many links to sites relevant to our flora. A number of these are described separately below. It should be noted that the term 'Southern Africa' as used by SANBI in its websites and publications does not generally include Zimbabwe.
South Africa Southern African plant names and floristic details from the South African National Biodiversity Institute. Although incomplete at the time of updating this page (31 July 2020) this is a searchable database for information about the plants of Southern Africa. Only Botswana and Caprivi in our area is covered. It aims to replace SIBIS (SANBI's Integrated Biodiversity Information System) and the old POSA website, although the latter is still in existence.
South Africa PlantZAfrica Described as "The site for information about plants native to southern Africa and related topics.". The site is one of the group of sites created by SANBI.
South Africa Biodiversity Explorer: the web of life in Southern Africa Produced by Cape Town museums, this well-illustrated site is devoted to showing and explaining the diversity, biology and interactions of life in southern Africa (south of the Kuneni and Zambezi rivers).
South Africa Tree SA: Your guide to South African trees An interesting website created by David Becking. The purpose of this site is "to provide interested persons with details that, due to space restraints, are not all available collectively in text books or on all websites at the moment".
South Africa South African Journal of Botany Back numbers of this journal can be obtained on this website.
South Africa Bothalia Electronic versions of the journal Bothalia can be obtained on this website.
Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland Flora of Southern Africa (FSA) Although the area covered by this work stops at the Limpopo, these volumes contain much of interest and relevance to Zimbabwe plants. These do not generally appear to be online, but volume 1 is available on the Biodiversity Heritage Library.
Swaziland Swaziland's Flora Database and Swaziland's Alien Plants Database These sites provide descriptions, images and location information for the plant species occurring in Swaziland.
Namibia Namibian Biodiversity Database The Namibian Biodiversity Database aims to increase the availability of information about Namibian biodiversity. It covers a wide range of living organisms and not just plants. The web site contains a searchable database of species together with pages on specific aspects such as aliens and the Succulent Karroo ecosystem.
Namibia Kyffhäuser Information about the Farm Kyffhäuser, Maltahöhe District, Namibia. Contains plant photographs and other details of this arid area.
Angola Flora of Angola online This website was created and designed at SANBI based initially on data compiled from the book by E. Figueiredo & G.F. Smith (2008, Plants of Angola/Plantas de Angola) published as Strelitzia 22 by the South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, South Africa.
Central Africa The Digitised Flora of Central Africa Central Africa comprises the countries of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Burundi. On this site may be found in digitised form all the published volumes of the Flore D'Afrique Centrale. Work on that flora commenced in 1948 and to date c. 6,000 species have been covered. The digitisation work is being carried out at Meise (BR), the National Botanic Garden of Belgium.
East Africa Flora of Tropical East Africa This Flora deals with the 12,500 plant species occurring wild in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Work began in 1949 and the project was completed in 2012. Much of the content is directly relevant to the Flora Zambesiaca area. Much of the content is freely available on POWO.
Equatorial Guinea Flora of Equatorial Guinea A project coordinated by the Real Jardín Botánico of Madrid, it provides information and describes progress in documenting the Flora of Equatorial Guinea. In Spanish.
Northern tropical Africa Fleurs d'Afrique, Cirad, France This site presents flower images of the main species found in northern tropical Africa, of the sahelian, sahelo-Saharan and sahelo-soudanian zones, from Senegal to the Horn of Africa.
Madagascar Catalogue of Vascular Plants of Madagascar This remarkable web site is an online flora of Madagascar. It provides the taxonomic literature and specimen base for each taxon and includes numerous images. In many ways, this is a model of what we would like to achieve with our site.
Africa Ferns of Africa This site, which is being created by our very own Petra Ballings, aims to provide information about the ferns of the whole African continent.
Africa Jstor (formerly Aluka) This is one of the best websites on African plants. It makes available a great deal of content which would otherwise be inaccessible to people in Africa itself.

This site has now extended beyond Africa and aims to cover the world's flora.
Africa African Plants: a photo guide An interesting and growing site, sponsored by the Frankfurt Museum amongst others and now extended to the whole of Africa, with which we have reciprocal links from and to each of our species pages.
Africa African Plants Database Despite an unmemorable and user-unfriendly URL, this site contains a lot of solid information on African plants. Primarily it is a searchable database.

There is much useful information about nomenclature and synonyms, brief details about the ecology and description and sometimes a map of Africa showing distribution.
Worldwide Plants Of the World Online A detailed treatment of the world's plants containing much useful information.

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Botswana: Geographical links., retrieved 12 February 2025

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