Details of record no: 66835

Acacia hereroensis Engl.

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Record details:

Date: 9 May 1992
Recorder(s):MA Hyde
M Silva-Jones
G Hall
LM Hyde
F Dawe
P Dawe
Determiner(s):RB Drummond
Habitat: In open grassland
Location: Valley of the Gwebi, Marlborough, near Harare.
Location code(s): 1
Outing code:
Planted code: Possibly planted
Country: Zimbabwe
Quarter Degree Square: 1730D2
Grid reference:
FZ Division: C
Altitude (metres): 1460
Notes: 8 trees of various sizes in a colony in the middle of open grassland with few other trees present. The trees were originally found by Ferdi Couto (Maureen Silva-Jones, pers. comm.). Specimens collected on 9 May were shown to Bob Drummond on 17 May 1992 and a careful examination was made, especially to check that were not Acacia polyacantha. Bob agreed that they were A. hereroensis. There already is a specimen from the same place in SRGH dated March 1988, collected by Rolf Hangartner. I understand that subsequently the trees were cut down. Mark Hyde, 3 August 2015.
Latitude, Longitude: -17.733380, 30.984420
Location Accuracy Code: 6

Map of species record

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Botswana: Individual record no: 66835: Acacia hereroensis., retrieved 13 February 2025

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