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Beentje, H.J. & Ghazanfar, S.A. (eds.) (2005) Compositae (Part 3) Flora of Tropical East Africa
Beentje, H.J. (ed.) (2000) Compositae (Part 1) Flora of Tropical East Africa
Beentje, H.J. (ed.) (2002) Compositae (Part 2) Flora of Tropical East Africa
Pope, G.V. (1992) Compositae Flora Zambesiaca 6(1)
Herbs, suffrutices, shrubs or (rarely) climbers or trees. Leaves alternate, less often opposite. Stipules 0, but false stipules occur in a few species (for example: Vernonia myriantha and Senecio deltoideus) . Flowers small (florets), aggregated into heads (capitula) and simulating single larger flowers and surrounded by a calyx-like involucre of one or more series of bracts (phyllaries). Receptacle of the head expanded, with or without receptacular scales or bristles each subtending a floret. Florets all similar sexually (head homogamous) or central and marginal florets differing (head heterogamous) and then the central florets usually bisexual or rarely male, the outer female or rarely neuter. Calyx never typically herbaceous but represented by a pappus of numerous simple or feathery (plumose) hairs, or a smaller number of membranous scales, teeth or bristles, or by a continuous membranous ring; sometimes 0. Worldwide: 1,528 genera and 22,750 species, cosmopolitan, excluding Antarctica. Botswana: 87 genera and 188 taxa. |
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Genus | Content |
Acanthospermum Schrank | Description |
Achillea L. | Description |
Adenostemma J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. | Description |
Ageratum L. | Description |
Amellus L. | Description |
Arctotis L. | Description |
Artemisia L. | Description |
Artemisiopsis S. Moore | Description, Image |
Aspilia Thouars | Description |
Aster L. | Description |
Athrixia Ker Gawl. | Description |
Berkheya Ehrh. | Description, Image |
Bidens L. | Description |
Blainvillea Cass. | Description |
Blumea DC. | Description |
Brachylaena R. Br. | Description, Image |
Calostephane Benth. | Description |
Chrysocoma L. | Description |
Conyza Less. | Description |
Cotula L. | Description |
Crassocephalum Moench. | Description |
Denekia Thunb. | Description |
Dicoma Cass. | Description |
Dimorphotheca Moench | Description |
Distephanus Cass. | Description |
Doellia Sch. Bip. | Description |
Eclipta L. | Description, Image |
Emilia (Cass.) Cass. | Description, Image |
Erigeron L. | Description |
Eriocephalus L. | Description |
Erlangea Sch. Bip. | Description |
Eschenbachia Moench | Image |
Ethulia L.f. | Description |
Euryops (Cass.) Cass. | Description |
Felicia Cass. | Description |
Flaveria Juss. | Description |
Galeomma Rauschert | Description |
Galinsoga Ruiz & Pav. | Description |
Gazania Gaertn. | Description |
Geigeria Griess. | Description |
Gnaphalium L. | Description |
Grangea Adans. | Description |
Haplocarpha Less. | Description |
Helichrysum Mill. | Description |
Hertia Less. | Description |
Hirpicium Cass. | Description |
Kleinia Mill. | Description, Image |
Lactuca L. | Description |
Laggera Benth. | Description |
Launaea Cass. | Description |
Leysera L. | Description |
Lipotriche R. Br. | Image |
Litogyne Harv. | Description, Image |
Macledium Cass. | |
Mikania Willd. | Description |
Nicolasia S. Moore | Description |
Nidorella Cass. | Description |
Nolletia Cass. | Description |
Osteospermum L. | Description |
Parthenium L. | Description |
Pechuel-Loeschea O. Hoffm. | Description |
Pegolettia Cass. | Description |
Pentzia Thunb. | Description, Image |
Philyrophyllum O. Hoffm. | Description |
Platycarpha Less. | Description |
Pleiotaxis Steetz | Description, Image |
Pluchea Cass. | Description, Image |
Pseudoconyza Cuatrec. | Description, Image |
Pseudognaphalium Kirp. | Description |
Psiadia Jacq. | Description |
Pteronia L. | Description |
Pulicaria Gaertn. | Description |
Rennera Merxm. | Description |
Rosenia Thunb. | Description |
Schkuhria Roth | Description |
Sclerocarpus Jacq. | Description, Image |
Senecio L. | Description |
Sonchus L. | Description |
Sphaeranthus L. | Description |
Tagetes L. | Description |
Tarchonanthus L. | Description |
Tithonia Desf. ex Juss. | Description |
Tridax L. | Description |
Verbesina L. | Description |
Vernonia Schreb. | Description |
Xanthium L. | Description |
Zinnia L. | Description |
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