Literature: | | |
Codd, L.E. (1985) Lamiaceae Flora of Southern Africa 28(4) | | |
Fernandes, R. (2005) Lamiaceae (subfamilies: Viticoideae and Ajugoideae) Flora Zambesiaca 8(7) | | |
Paton, A.J. et al. (2009) Lamiaceae Flora of Tropical East Africa | | |
| | |
Names | FZ Divisions |
| | |
Volkameria eriophylla (Gürke) Mabb. & Y.W. Yuan | |
Clerodendrum eriophyllum Gürke | | |
Clerodendrum glabrum sensu auct. non E. Mey. | | |
Volkameria glabra (E. Mey.) Mabb. & Y.W. Yuan. | |
Clerodendrum glabrum E. Mey. | | |
| | |
MESOSPHAERUM P. Browne | | |
*Mesosphaerum pectinatum (L.) Kuntze | N |
Hyptis pectinata (L.) Poit. | | |
| | |
CANTINOA Harley & J.F.B.Pastore | | |
*Cantinoa americana (Aubl.) Harley & J.F.B.Pastore | N |
Hyptis spicigera Lam. | | |
Leucas microscypha Baker | | |
Nepeta americana Aubl. | | |
| | |
COLEUS Lour. | | |
Coleus cylindraceus (Hochst. ex Benth.) A.J.Paton | |
Plectranthus cylindraceus Benth. | | |
Plectranthus montanus Benth. | | |
Coleus esculentus (N.E.Br.) G.Taylor | N |
Plectranthus esculentus N.E. Br. | | |
Plectranthus floribundus N.E. Br. | | |
Coleus gracilipedicellatum (Robyns & Lebrun) A.J.Paton | N |
Coleus elegantissimus G. Taylor | | |
Holostylon baumii (Gürke) G. Taylor | | |
Holostylon gracilipedicillatum Robyns & Lebrun | | |
Plectranthus baumii Gürke | | |
Coleus guerkei (Briq.) A.J.Paton | N |
Geniosporum paniculatum Baker | | |
Hyptis baumii Gürke | | |
Neohyptis paniculata (Baker) J.K. Morton | | |
Plectranthus guerkei Briq. | | |
Coleus hereroensis (Engl.) A.J.Paton | |
Coleus myrianthus (Briq.) Brenan | | |
Plectranthus hereroensis Engl. | | |
Plectranthus myrianthus Briq. | | |
Coleus lasianthus Gürke | N |
Coleus decumbens Gürke | | |
Coleus menyharthi Briq. | | |
Coleus tetensis Baker | | |
Coleus vagatus E.A. Bruce | | |
Plectranthus lasianthus (Gürke) Vollesen | | |
Plectranthus tetensis (Baker) Agnew | | |
Coleus neochilus (Schltr.) Codd | SE |
Coleus palliolatus S. Moore | | |
Coleus schinzii Gürke | | |
Plectranthus neochilus Schltr. | | |
Coleus tetragonus (Gürke) Robyns & Lebrun | |
Plectranthus biflorus Baker | | |
Plectranthus tetragonus Gürke | | |
| | |
7185.000 PREMNA L. | | |
Premna senensis Klotzsch | N |
| | |
7186.000 VITEX L. | | |
Vitex mombassae Vatke | |
Vitex flavescens Rolfe var. parviflora Gibbs | | |
Vitex pooara sensu K. Coates Palgrave | | |
Vitex zeyheri Sond. ex Schauer | SE |
| | |
7187.000 KALAHARIA Baill. | | |
Kalaharia uncinata (Schinz) Moldenke | N,SW,SE |
Clerodendrum spinescens (Oliv.) Gürke | | |
Clerodendrum uncinatum Schinz | | |
Cyclonema spinescens Oliv. | | |
Kalaharia spinescens (Oliv.) Gürke | | |
Kalaharia spinipes Baill. | | |
Rotheca uncinata (Schinz) P.P.J. Herman & Retief | | |
| | |
7191.000 CLERODENDRUM L. | | |
Clerodendrum buchneri Gürke | N |
Clerodendrum capitatum sensu J.G. Baker in F.T.A. 5: 306 (1900) | | |
Clerodendrum cuneifolium Baker | | |
Clerodendrum hockii De Wild. | | |
Clerodendrum humile Chiov. | | |
Clerodendrum impensum B. Thomas var. buchneroides B. Thomas | | |
Clerodendrum strictum Baker | | |
Siphonanthus cuneifolius Hiern | | |
Siphonanthus strictus Hiern | | |
Clerodendrum ternatum Schinz | N,SW,SE |
Clerodendrum lanceolatum Gürke | | |
Clerodendrum ternatum Schinz var. lanceolatum (Gürke) Moldenke | | |
| | |
7191.010 ROTHECA Raf. | | |
Rotheca hirsuta (Hochst.) R. Fern. | |
Clerodendrum hirsutum (Hochst.) H. Pearson | | |
Clerodendrum natalense Gürke | | |
Clerodendrum pearsonii Moldenke | | |
Clerodendrum triphyllum (Harv.) H. Pearson | | |
Cyclonema hirsutum Hochst. | | |
Syphonanthus triphyllus Hiern ex S. Moore | | |
Rotheca myricoides (Hochst.) D.A. Steane & Mabb. | SE |
Clerodendrum myricoides (Hochst.) R.Br. ex Vatke | | |
Clerodendrum ugandense Prain | | |
Rotheca wildii (Moldenke) R. Fern. | N |
Clerodendrum wildii Moldenke | | |
| | |
7212.000 TEUCRIUM L. | | |
Teucrium trifidum Retz. | SE |
| | |
7213.000 TINNEA Kotschy & Peyr. | | |
Tinnea eriocalyx Welw. | N |
Tinnea rhodesiana S. Moore | N |
Tinnea vestita Baker | N |
| | |
7236.000 ACROTOME Benth. ex Endl. | | |
Acrotome angustifolia G. Taylor | N,SW,SE |
Acrotome lancifolia Bremek. & Oberm. | | |
Acrotome hispida Benth. | SE |
Acrotome inflata Benth. | N,SW,SE |
Acrotome amboensis Briq. | | |
Lasiocorys eenii (Hiern) Baker | | |
Leucas eenii Hiern | | |
| | |
7264.000 LEONOTIS (Pers.) R.Br. | | |
Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) W.T. Aiton | | |
var. nepetifolia | N,SE |
Leonotis nepetaefolia (L.) Mill. | | |
Leonurus globosus Moench | | |
Phlomis nepetifolia L. | | |
Leonotis ocymifolia (Burm.f.) Iwarsson | | |
var. schinzii (Gürke) Iwarsson | SE |
Leonotis dysophylla sensu Plowes & Drummond (1976), non Benth. | | |
Leonotis microphylla Skan | | |
Leonotis randii S. Moore | | |
Leonotis schinzii Gürke | | |
Leonotis ocymifolia (Burm. f.) Iwarsson | | |
var. raineriana (Vis.) Iwarsson | SE? |
Leonitis dysophylla Benth. | | |
Leonotis intermedia Lindl. | | |
Leonotis mollissima Gürke | | |
Leonotis raineriana Vis. | | |
| | |
7268.000 LEUCAS R. Br. | | |
LASIOCORYS Benth. | | |
Leucas capensis (Benth.) Engl. | SW,SE |
Lasiocorys capensis Benth. | | |
Lasiocorys capensis Benth. | | |
Phlomis capensis Thunb. | | |
Leucas glabrata (Vahl) R. Br. | N,SW,SE |
Leucas dinteri Briq. | | |
Leucas junodii Briq. | | |
Leucas natalensis Sond. | | |
Phlomis glabrata Vahl | | |
Leucas martinicensis R. Br. | |
Clinopodium martinicense Jacq. | | |
Leucas neuflizeana Courbon | | |
var. neuflizeana | N,SE |
Leucas sexdentata Skan | N,SE |
| | |
7281.000 STACHYS L. | | |
Stachys spathulata Burch. ex Benth. | SE |
| | |
7290.000 SALVIA L. | | |
Salvia coccinea Buch’hoz ex Etl. | |
Salvia runcinata L.f. | SE |
Salvia monticola Benth. | | |
Salvia sisymbrifolia Skan | | |
Salvia stenophylla sensu Eyles, non Benth. | | |
Salvia stenophylla Benth. | SW |
Salvia chlorophylla Briq. | | |
Salvia xerobia Briq. | | |
| | |
7328.000 MENTHA L. | | |
Mentha aquatica L. | N |
| | |
7339.000 TETRADENIA Benth. | | |
IBOZA N.E. Br. | | |
Tetradenia brevispicata (N.E. Br.) Codd | SE |
Iboza brevispicata N.E. Br. | | |
| | |
7342.000 HYPTIS Jacq. | | |
| | |
7345.000 AEOLLANTHUS Mart. ex Spreng. | | |
ICOMUM Hua | | |
Aeollanthus buchnerianus Briq. | |
Aeollanthus canescens Gürke | | |
Aeollanthus njassae Gürke | | |
Aeollanthus nyikensis Baker | | |
Aeollanthus neglectus (Dinter) Launert | |
Plectranthus neglectus Dinter | | |
Aeollanthus rehmannii Gürke | N |
Aeollanthus crenatus Moore | | |
Aeollanthus suaveolens Mart. ex Spreng. | |
| | |
7345.010 ENDOSTEMON N.E.Br. | | |
Endostemon tenuiflorus (Benth.) M.R. Ashby | |
Ocimum depauperatum Vatke | | |
Orthosiphon tenuiflorus Benth. | | |
Pseudocimum trichocalyx Bremek. | | |
Endostemon tereticaulis (Poir.) M.R. Ashby | |
Ocimum tereticaule Poir. | | |
| | |
7347.000 PYCNOSTACHYS Hook. | | |
Pycnostachys coerulea Hook. | |
| | |
7357.000 HOSLUNDIA Vahl | | |
Hoslundia opposita Vahl | N |
Clerodendrum macranthum Gilli | | |
Hoslundia decumbens Benth. | | |
Hoslundia verticillata Vahl | | |
Premna longipes Baker | | |
| | |
7359.000 SYNCOLOSTEMON E. Mey. | | |
HEMIZYGIA (Benth.) Briq. | | |
Syncolostemon bracteosus (Benth.) D.F. Otieno | N,SW |
Hemizygia bracteosa (Benth.) Briq. | | |
Hemizygia junodii Briq. | | |
Ocimum bracteosum Benth. | | |
Orthosiphon bracteatus (Benth.) Baker | | |
Orthosiphon rhodesianus S. Moore | | |
Syncolostemon canescens (Gürke) D.F. Otieno | N |
Hemizygia canescens (Gürke) Ashby | | |
Hemizygia dinteri Briq. | | |
Hemizygia mossiana (Good) Ashby | | |
Hemizygia petrensis (Hiern) Ashby | | |
Orthosiphon canescens Gürke | | |
Syncolostemon elliottii (Baker) D.F. Otieno | SE |
Hemizygia elliottii (Baker) M. Ashby | | |
Orthosiphon elliottii Baker | | |
Syncolostemon linearis (Benth.) D.F. Otieno | |
Hemizygia linearis (Benth.) Briq. | | |
| | |
7366.000 OCIMUM L. | | |
BECIUM Lindl. | | |
Ocimum africanum Lour. | |
Ocimum americanum L. var. pilosum (Willd.) A.J. Paton | | |
Ocimum pilosum Willd. | | |
Ocimum americanum L. | N,SW,SE |
Ocimum canum Sims | | |
Ocimum canum Sims var. integrifolium Engl. | | |
Ocimum dichotomum Benth. | | |
Ocimum dinteri Briq. | | |
Ocimum fruticulosum Burch. | | |
Ocimum thymoides Baker | | |
Ocimum angustifolium Benth. | N,SE |
Becium angustifolium (Benth.) N.E. Br. | | |
Ocimum filiforme Gürke | | |
Ocimum poggeanum Briq. | | |
Ocimum randii S. Moore | | |
Ocimum scoparium Gürke | | |
Ocimum filamentosum Forssk. | |
Becium filamentosum (Forssk.) Chiov. | | |
Becium obovatum (E. Mey. ex Benth.) N.E. Br. var. knyanum (Vatke) Kufod. | | |
Ocimum polycladum Briq. | | |
Ocimum gratissimum L. | | |
subsp. gratissimum var. gratissimum | N,SW,SE |
Ocimum suave Willd. var. distantidens Briq. | | |
Ocimum suave Willd. | | |
Ocimum superbum Buscal. & Muschl. | | |
Ocimum trichodon Gürke | | |
Ocimum urticifolium Roth | | |
Ocimum viride Willd. | | |
| | |
7367.000 ORTHOSIPHON Benth. | | |
Orthosiphon thymiflorus (Roth) Sleesen | SE |
Ocimum suffrutescens Thonn. | | |
Ocimum thymiflorus Roth. | | |
Orthosiphon australis Vatke | | |
Orthosiphon glabratus Benth. var. africanus Benth. | | |
Orthosiphon suffrutescens (Thonn.) J.K. Morton | | |