Records made by Peter Biegel

Records: 49

The following is a list of the records made by Peter Biegel in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
99116Acanthospermum glabratum06 Nov 1972HM Biegel
HM Biegel 4109 SRGH
On gravelled pavementMount Pleasant, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

Stems quite prostrate, weakly rooting at some nodes. Plant 0.8 m in diameter.

53241Actiniopteris dimorpha subsp. dimorpha04 May 1973HM Biegel
GV Pope
BK Simon
HM Biegel GV Pope BK Simon 1106 SRGH
Granite outcrop up to 1420m high, fern occuring in small colonies in shallow soil pockets on the rock.Sikanjena Hill, Belingwe district0Zimbabwe2030C1S0

48840Adiantum incisum24 Mar 1969HM Biegel
GV Pope
HM Biegel GV Pope 14237 SRGH
On steep, tall-wooded limestone slope, in leafmouldWhindale ranch, Mangula, Makonde district.0Zimbabwe1630C3N914

Tips of some fronds arching over and where they touch ground new plants develop

99115Alysicarpus rugosus subsp. perennirufus29 Oct 1968HM Biegel
HM Biegel 2660 SRGH
Open flat Hyparrhenia grasslandArundel - Golden Stairs Roads, Mount Pleasant10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

Spreading stems from woody root. Vexillum rose, keel off white tinged pink. Common. [Position estimated]

106581Buddleja madagascariensis20 Nov 1973HM Biegel
HM Biegel 4367 SRGH
Garden ornamentalMarlborough Nurseries1,2312Zimbabwe1730D4C0

Shrub 4 m. Leaves dark olive-green above, grey below, much damaged by eating insects. Flowers orange.

99153Ceropegia barberae14 Sep 1981HM Biegel
HM Biegel 5856 C Boele SRGH
In dry part of vlei.Near Edinburgh Road, Groombridge Vlei, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

Inflorescence spherical, the flowers crowded give off an offensive smell; pedicels, calyces off-white greenish; this colour but deeper on outside corolla segments; cup and segments inside chocolate brown.

122714Cryptostegia grandiflora29 Nov 1976HM Biegel
HM Biegel 5408 SRGH
Garden ornamental.Landscapes Nurseries, Harare.12Zimbabwe1731C3C0

Open shrub with arching branches to 4 m long. Flowers light mauve. Copious milky juice from cut surfaces. Grown from seed locally collected; this plant is less stiff and the flowers are a lighter mauve compared with the usual habit and flower colour in Rhodesia.

99107Cuscuta campestris23 Nov 1971HM Biegel
HM Biegel 3640 SRGH
Parasitic on Daucus carotaBorrowdale10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

Leafless parasite with flexuous, brown, filiform stems. Flowers yellowish. Area sown to imported seed ex USA.

99110Cuscuta campestris09 Sep 1971HM Biegel
GV Pope
HM Biegel GV Pope 3601 SRGH
Parasitic on Mikania cordataWaterfalls, banks of Mukuvisi River10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

Masses of yellow to brown-yellow threads. Flowering and fruiting profusely. Plant covers c. 2 x 3 m area.

99111Cuscuta campestris23 Nov 1971HM Biegel
HM Biegel 3639 SRGH
Parasitic on Allium cepaBorrowdale10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

Leafless parasite with flexuous, brown, filiform stems. Flowers yellowish. Area sown to imported seed ex USA.

121067Dalbergia sissoo06 Oct 1972HM Biegel
HM Biegel 3610 SRGH
On very small low termitary.Shangani Road, Mount Pleasant, Harare.10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

"Very doubtful if cultivated".

20800Datura metel01 Feb 1971HM Biegel
HM Biegel 3464 SRGH
Cultivated plantGolden Stairs Nursery, Mt Pleasant, Harare12Zimbabwe1731C3C1460

Soft woody shrub, 1.2 m. Branches purple. Leaves purple below. Flowers erect, double, purple outside, whitish inside. Fruit sharp-knobbly.

14210Dichapetalum cymosum Sep 1965HM Biegel
HM Biegel 293 SRGH
Gushu sandLower Gwelo Reserve0ZimbabweC

This is the only record form C in SRGH on 13 Dec 2006

67914Dipcadi marlothii23 Dec 1968HM Biegel
HM Biegel 2725 SRGH
Vacant plot among 4-5 ft grasses31B Golden Stairs rd, Avondale, Salisbury (Harare)10Zimbabwe1731C3C1495

About 100 yds and 3 ft vertically lower a large colony of D. viride and a small one of D. longifolium. Bulb white, rest green. Part of scape with unopened flowers pendulous, becomes erect as they open. Ovary sessile, stigma club-shaped, style short. Base of filaments with shallow U-curve.

116026Dipcadi viride16 Dec 1968HM Biegel
HM Biegel 2707 K
In vleiHarare, Groombridge vlei, below Old Georgians Sports Club.10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

Cited in a draft account for Flora Zambesiaca of the Hyacinthaceae. Plant in flower.

22406Equisetum ramosissimum subsp. ramosissimum03 Oct 1966HM Biegel
HM Biegel 1339 SRGH
Clusters round culvert below dam in water and on top of culvert in dry sandGwelo, Fletcher High School0Zimbabwe1929D2QJ99-39-C1400

69277Erlangea remifolia02 May 1975HM Biegel
GE Gibbs-Russell
TM Müller
GE Gibbs-Russell TM Müller 5052 SRGH
On a rocky ledge in shadeBetween Samocimo and Tsodilo Hills1770Botswana1821D2 N1025

120355Erythrostemon gilliesii02 Dec 1971HM Biegel
HM Biegel 3665 SRGH
Cultivated plant.Marlborough Nurseries, Harare.1,2312Zimbabwe1730D4C0

Tree, 3 m, crown round. Petals creamy-yellow. Style, stamens red. Calyx, pedicels brown glandular-hairy.

105903Euphorbia cyathophora08 Apr 1975HM Biegel
HM Biegel 4959 S Carter SRGH
Marlborough Nursery1,2312Zimbabwe1731C3C1650

Perennial herb 0.6 m. Leaves green; Involucral leaves with red area lower 1/2, the inner smaller and all red.

114478Euphorbia indica26 Apr 1977HM Biegel
HM Biegel 5470 National Botanic Garden, Harare1,210Zimbabwe1731C3C0

122787Euphorbia serpens23 Apr 1976HM Biegel
GV Pope
HM Biegel GV Pope 1539 S Carter SRGH
Growing beside railway tracks.Harare Industrial site.10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

Prostrate herb. Collector number is for GV Pope.

69887Euphorbia transvaalensis30 Jan 1975HM Biegel
GE Gibbs-Russell
GV Pope
HM Biegel GE Gibbs-Russell GV Pope 4869 SRGH
c. 1 km West of confluence Musirizwi and Bwazi Rivers, Chipinge Distict0Zimbabwe2032D1E500

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 9 part 5: 378, 2001

119368Ficus burkei20 Nov 1973HM Biegel
HM Biegel 4376 SRGH
PlantedMarlborough Nursery, Harare12Zimbabwe1730D4C0

Tree 15 m. Crown tall - rounded, heavy. Bark smooth, grey. White latex from cut branch ends.

22508Gomphocarpus tomentosus subsp. tomentosus22 Apr 1969HM Biegel
HM Biegel 2955 K
Road to Sabi Valley experimental station, 400m from Birchenough Bridge-Chipinge rd0Zimbabwe2032A4E450

106576Gomphostigma virgatum24 Jan 1977HM Biegel
HM Biegel 5442 SRGH
Garden ornamentalMarlborough Nurseries1,2312Zimbabwe1730D4C0

Open shrub 1.2 m, the branches virgate, the outer branches arching outwards. Foliage bluish-grey. Flowers white. A graceful small shrub.

74837Helichrysum callicomum21 Apr 1966HM Biegel
HM Biegel 1153 SRGH
Kukwanisa Training School, 35 miles from Mutare on the Nyanga road, Watsomba.0Zimbabwe1832D1E1420

Bush 1ft high. Flowers pale yellow. Slight scent when crushed.

77300Hippocratea indica30 Jan 1975HM Biegel
GV Pope
E Russell
HM Biegel E Russell 1481 SRGH
Thicket vegetation in valley floor.West end of Mwangazi Gap, Chipinga District.0Zimbabwe2032C2E440

Dense dark green climber; flower perianth yellow.

94292Hippocratea parviflora24 Oct 1972HM Biegel
GV Pope
E Russell
HM Biegel GV Pope E Russell 853 SRGH
At base of hill among boulders in Kirkia acuminata grove.Gubatsa Hills, Chobe National Park0Botswana1824C1N936

Scrambling shrub with stems up to 3 m long trailing over rocks. Perianth green with light green margins to the segments.

94294Hippocratea parviflora02 May 1975HM Biegel
TM Müller
HM Biegel TM Müller 2303 SRGH
Mixed woodland on rocky slopeLower northern slopes of second highest of Tsodilo Hills (Female Hill)1770Botswana1821D1N1030

Trailing shrub.

94295Hippocratea parviflora02 May 1975HM Biegel
TM Müller
HM Biegel TM Müller 2300 SRGH
Dense woodland dominated by Baikiaea plurijuga on Kalahari sand.25 kn NE of Tsodilo Hills.0Botswana1821D2N980

1.5 m shrub climbing at the ends.

21340Ipomoea eriocarpa29 Apr 1969HM Biegel
HM Biegel 2977 SRGH
In tall grass.Parkland above Christmas pools, 24 km E of Shamva, Uzumba CL.0ZimbabweN0

Twiner to 1.25 m.Flowers in clusters, light mauve; throat dark mauve.

105808Litanthus pusillus30 Oct 1973HM Biegel
GV Pope
N Gosden
HM Biegel GV Pope N Gosden 1125 PRE
In rock cracksMt Buhwa, Belingwe District580Zimbabwe2030C2S1650

Cited in Manning et al., 2013: 97

42473Marsilea ephippiocarpa03 Oct 1966HM Biegel
HM Biegel 1335 GOE Launert SRGH
On sand between pools below dam. Fletcher high school, 7 miles south of Gwelo, Gwelo0Zimbabwe1929D2C1400

106535Nesaea passerinoides06 Apr 1969HM Biegel
HM Biegel 2915 SRGH
In vlei with Setaria, Hyparrhenia, SesbaniaVlei north of Norfolk Road, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

Erect ?perennial. Flowers pinky-mauve. Two plants seen.

120899 (cultivated)Passiflora edulis (cultivated)01 Oct 1974HM Biegel
HM Biegel 4636 SRGH
In Syzygium cordatum swamp forest.Mandara, Harare.10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

Calyx green outside, greenish-white within like the petals. Corona fimbriate, mauve at base, the remainder greenish-white. Climber 4 m.

40655Rhinacanthus zambesiacus01 Feb 1975HM Biegel
GV Pope
E Russell
HM Biegel GV Pope E Russell 4908 SRGH
In woody vegetation on sandy streambank, in partial shade5 km South of Rusongo Hill on Border rd, Remayi0Zimbabwe2032C4S400

69010Salacia luebbertii02 May 1975HM Biegel
TM Müller
HM Biegel TM Müller 2307 SRGH
On rocksMiddle northern slopes of second highest of Tsodilo Hills1770Botswana1821D1N1140

0.5 schrub

69012Salacia luebbertii23 Oct 1972HM Biegel
GE Gibbs-Russell
GV Pope
HM Biegel GE Gibbs-Russell GV Pope 4032 SRGH
Among porphyry bouldersEast face Gubatsha Hills, Savute, Chobe National Park0Botswana1824C1N940

Shrub 0.7 m; new growth measures 0.5 m. Area probably burnt the previous year

69013Salacia luebbertii26 Oct 1972HM Biegel
GE Gibbs-Russell
GV Pope
HM Biegel GE Gibbs-Russell GV Pope 4071B SRGH
In deciduous woodland with Burkea africana, Terminalia sericea, Combretum psidioides on fine grained sand. c. 17 NNW of Savuti drift above Gubashe Hills, Siambiso0Botswana1823B4N940

Probably rhizomatous, many-stemmed shrub, regrown to 0.6 m after burn. Tufts of stems 1 per 2m sq. on area of c. 30 x 50 m.

69014Salacia luebbertii16 Mar 1965HM Biegel
H Wild
HM Biegel H Wild 7101 SRGH
Burkea african, Terminalia sericea savanna with Baphia obovata, Grewia retinervis, Diospyros chamaethamnus32 km South of Shakawe on Sepopa rd. 0Botswana1822C1N1000

Subshrub; fruit reddish-brown.

122861Schoenoplectus corymbosus06 Dec 1977HM Biegel
HM Biegel 5561 SRGH
Landscapes Nurseries, Harare12Zimbabwe1731C3C0

119387Scolopia zeyheri07 Nov 1974HM Biegel
HM Biegel 4694 SRGH
Planted in garden.Salisbury.12Zimbabwe1731C3C0

Garden ornamental. Rather dense shrub, somewhat spreading, 4 m high.

41875Selaginella dregei12 Jan 1967HM Biegel
HM Biegel 1826 SRGH
Granite outcrop below Myrothamnus flabelliformis Kukwanisa, Mutare0Zimbabwe1832D1E1370

41883Selaginella dregei05 Feb 1967HM Biegel
HM Biegel 1892 SRGH
Ruware with Myriothamnus coleochloa Whitewaters dam area, Gweru0Zimbabwe1929B4C1400

42011Selaginella dregei16 Nov 1965HM Biegel
HM Biegel 548 SRGH
Brachystegia-Combretum-Terminalia, granite sand Mlezu Gov. Agricultural School Farm, Gweru0Zimbabwe1929B2C1280

35553Stomatostemma monteiroae19 Jan 1975HM Biegel
GV Pope
E Russell
HM Biegel GV Pope E Russell 1440 SRGH
Shrubby vegetation and thickets on sandy soil.West end of Mwangazi Gap, Chipinga District0Zimbabwe2032C2E440

23387Tragia gardneri20 Dec 1968HM Biegel
HM Biegel 2715 SRGH
Edge of low termitary, in vleiEdge of Teviotdale Road, Groombridge vlei1,80Zimbabwe1731C3C

106614Vigna oblongifolia var. oblongifolia02 Feb 1969HM Biegel
HM Biegel 2867 SRGH
VleiMount Pleasant, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

Among 5 ft tall Setaria sphacelata. Flowers greenish with dull blue on edge vexillum. Pods hairy, pendulous.

21508Xanthium spinosum04 Oct 1967HM Biegel
HM Biegel 2281 SRGH
Waste place on roadside through vlei.Near aerodrome, Thornhill, Gweru0Zimbabwe1929B4C1400

Bushy, very prickly herb, 2 ft high. Leaves discolorous. One plant only seen.


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Botswana: Records made by Peter Biegel., retrieved 17 January 2025

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