Records made by Darrel Plowes

Records: 44

The following is a list of the records made by Darrel Plowes in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
6112Abutilon angulatum var. angulatum DCH Plowes
Nyanyadzi, Save Valley0ZimbabweE

53231Actiniopteris dimorpha subsp. dimorpha07 Sep 1952DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 1472 EACLE Schelpe SRGH
Growing under a rock on side of granite kopjeKora Kora stream, near Absent Farm, Matopos Reserve0Zimbabwe2028D2W0

6281Agelanthus lugardii DCH Plowes
Sebele, 10km North of Gaberone, Botswana0Botswana2425D2SE1000

7102Ammocharis coranica DCH Plowes
Radisele, S of Palapye0Botswana

7103Ammocharis coranica DCH Plowes
Macks Pass, Ingwaruma0Swaziland

6037Babiana bainesii DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 2312 Rusape0Zimbabwe C

24688Barleria affinis subsp. affinis28 Apr 1952DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 1438 SRGH
Growing between rocks in dry situations in kopjes in the MatoposMtsheleli Valley, Matopos0Zimbabwe2028D4W0

Fairly common small herb. Light mauvey-blue flowers.

25485Barleria albostellata14 Mar 1971DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 3456 SRGH
Among granite boulders under Brachystegia glaucescensEastern Matobo Hills0Zimbabwe2028D1W0

Perennial bushes 1.5 m tall. Flowers white. Leaves velvety greyish-green.

40612Barleria senensis28 Mar 1973DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 4440 SRGH
Dry stony soilMutema (Mtema) CL, Save valley near Birchenough Bridge0Zimbabwe2032A2E450

Bushy perennial herb, flowers apricot yellow in terminal spikes, the bracts subtending bristles at the base of each flower. Leaves with pairs of stipellar spines at base.

25491Blepharis subvolubilis12 Oct 1966DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 2811 On serpentine rocks, in Diplorhynchus veld.Banket, base of the Great Dyke. 0Zimbabwe1730B3N1280

Plants perennial bushy herbs 9 inches tall, with spiny leaves and bracts. Flowers white.

12456Carphalea pubescens20 Dec 1965DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 2746 SRGH
In a sheltered watercourseAt Kariba Dam, Kariba0ZimbabweN460

117202Ceropegia ampliata DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes BT Wursten 0Not known0

19149Craterostigma plantagineum DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 2374 Masvingo0ZimbabweS

21871Crinum buphanoides DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 7032 Tewane River, 30 km north of Mahalapye, Botswana.0Botswana2226D4 SE1071

7100Crinum paludosum19 Dec 1971DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 3493 In shallow water on black clay soil.5 km SW of Norton0Zimbabwe1730D3 C1375

A showy species. Flowers white with faint pink stripe on back of each perianth lobe and turning pink with age. Anthers dark. Style and stigma purple for terminal half of length. Leaves only lightly undulate; margins minutely toothed, 30-50 cm long, 3-5 cm wide.

7101Crinum paludosum29 Dec 1964DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 2544 In shallow rain water pans in flat mopane veldChibuwe Irrigation Scheme, Save Valley0Zimbabwe2032A4 E460

Plants 18 inches tall. Flowers white, trumpet-shaped, with faint pink stripe on back of each corolla lobe. Anthers yellow. Apical half of style purple. [illegible]. Leaf margins straight.

29149Delosperma steytlerae DCH Plowes
Great Zimbabwe0Zimbabwe2030B4S0

14524Erianthemum dregei DCH Plowes
Chimanimani Mts0Zimbabwe1932D4E0

On Julbernardia globiflora

14525Erianthemum ngamicum DCH Plowes
Airport, Gaberone, Botswana0Botswana

14527Erianthemum virescens DCH Plowes
In mopane woodland, on Dichrostachys cinerea.Base of Njelele Pass, 25km East of Gokwe.0Zimbabwe1829A3N1225

15611Gardenia ternifolia subsp. jovis-tonantis var. goetzei DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 2364 Mutare0ZimbabweE

35745Gladiolus magnificus DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 1668 SRGH
Nyamandhlovu0Zimbabwe W0

15502Harpagophytum procumbens subsp. transvaalense DCH Plowes
Beitbridge0Zimbabwe2229B2 S500

15503Harpagophytum procumbens subsp. transvaalense DCH Plowes
Limpopo Valley 35 km north of Beitbridge0Zimbabwe2129D4 S600

15501Harpagophytum zeyheri subsp. sublobatum DCH Plowes
120 kms south of Bulawayo0Zimbabwe

74123Harpagophytum zeyheri subsp. sublobatum29 Jan 1974DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 4468 H-D Ihlenfeldt SRGH
On bare reddish sand over granite.Antelope Mine Dam, Matobo District0Zimbabwe2128A2 W980

Flowers dull purplish-maroon with light greenish yellow in the throat. Fruit with short stout hooks, mostly on margin.

15500Holubia saccata DCH Plowes
Birchenough Bridge0Zimbabwe1932C4E500

30470Hoodia currorii subsp. lugardii DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 6275 Beitbridge District0Zimbabwe2230A1 S600

30471Hoodia currorii subsp. lugardii DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 7475 Botswana0Botswana 0

30475Hoodia currorii subsp. lugardii DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 7474 Botswana0Botswana 0

21348Ipomoea coscinosperma17 Mar 1953DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 1561 SRGH
Freshly ploughed black vlei soil in mopane veld.Pasture Research Station, Nyamandhlovu0ZimbabweW0

An abundant prostrate creeping weed. Forms mat 2-3 yards across. Flowers white.

48694Julbernardia globiflora23 Feb 2012DCH Plowes
S Bellot
Open woodland with J. globiflora and B. spiciformis as main species. Mutare, Christmas Pass area, by path towards lodge on south side of A30Zimbabwe1832D3E1238

34938Leonotis ocymifolia var. raineriana Mar 1972DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 4412 SRGH
On granite soilsErin Forest Reserve, Nyanga0Zimbabwe1832B3E0

37149Lepidagathis scabra Apr 1956DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 1944 SRGH
At the base of a basalt outcropPasture Research Station, Nyamandhlovu0Zimbabwe1927D2W0

Herbs forming patches up to 10 ft wide; stems numerous up to 18'' tall; flowers white

7017Markhamia zanzibarica DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 2735 Chipangayi River, Save Valley0Zimbabwe

42297Marsilea farinosa subsp. farinosa Oct 1955DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 1878 GOE Launert SRGH
Aquatic growing in damp bed of a small pan on black basaltic sand, pan holds water in summer only. "Pasture?" Research station, Nyamandhlovu district0ZimbabweW0

6272Nerine laticoma DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 7075 8 km east of Oodi, Botswana0Botswana2426C1 SE1000

6441Scadoxus puniceus DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 2210 Ingwaruma, Lemombo Mts0South Africa 0

35760Sphedamnocarpus pruriens var. pruriens09 Apr 1963DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 2334 SRGH
Pasture Research Centre, Melsetter (Chimanimani)0Zimbabwe1932D4E1370

35503Striga gesnerioides30 Apr 1969DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 3203 SRGH
Wiltshire Estate, between Enkeldoorn (Chivhu) and Buhera, Charter District0Zimbabwe1831C1C0

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca Vol. 8 part 2:131 (1990)

24570Talinum arnotii DCH Plowes
2541 Save Valley, Experimental Station0Zimbabwe

52490Thelypteris confluens23 May 1954DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 1736 SRGH
Growing among grass etc. on banks of Tom-betyane stream.Near absent farm, Eastern Matopos0Zimbabwe2028D2W0

Common small fern about 18-24" tall

6277Tribulus zeyheri subsp. zeyheri DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 3155 Beitbridge0ZimbabweS

35788Wiesneria filifolia13 Feb 1955DCH Plowes
DCH Plowes 1776 K
Nyamandhlovu Pasture Research Station0Zimbabwe1928C4W0

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca Vol. 12 part 2: 10 (2009)


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Botswana: Records made by Darrel Plowes., retrieved 10 September 2024

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